I have gone through many changes over the past year or so, the biggest being a physical change and I have so far lost over 5 stone. Its not just my shape that has changed though, my whole outlook on things seems to have shifted. I feel a lot happier in myself and I am a lot more willing to get out there and start living life as apposed to watching everyone else live theirs and doing nothing to make "me" happy.
So with that in mind, I thought I would be bold and brave and join up to a dating site. It's easy enough to talk about making changes and getting out there but actually doing it is a whole different ball game. I know there's lots of bad press surrounding dating sites and the whole "online dating" scene but there are also many success stories and you get nothing from not trying right? So the lovely people over at Match.com have offered me a months free trial to "test the waters" and see how I get on. I have never been good at selling myself and I am looking at the registration page now and It is as blank as my mind! I guess I just have to be honest and get the "real me" into words and on the screen. I am slightly dubious and really nervous about joining a dating site but I am going into it with an open mind.
Could this be the start of something new? Lets see...
Do you have any dating stories? Did you meet your true love online? Of do you have a dating disaster? I would love to hear from you.